Pink Kitty Studios New Schedules
We're changing things around a little bit over here at Pink Kitty Studios.
Our Colorado Springs, Philadelphia, and Northern Virginia locations will remain the same as far as availability and appointments. We have a lot of availability and can usually book your shoots at these locations a couple weeks in advance.
Our Los Angeles and Dallas locations will have a rotating schedule. We'll be in each of these cities several specific days each month. We'll use this mailing list to let you know about the schedule. You can also find it on the website on the Dallas and L.A. pages. We do plan to get completely booked during the available time periods so if you want to come in for a shoot you should book it as soon as you hear about our schedule.
We'll be in Dallas next week: Saturday September 5th, Sunday September 6th, Monday September 7th and Tuesday September 8th.
We'll be in L.A. on Saturday October 3rd, Sunday October 4th, Monday October 5th and Tuesday October 6th.
If these dates don't work with your schedule but you still want to come in please email us and we can try to work something else out.
As always you can get samples, pricing, and more information at our website: or call us at (323) 982-0323.
At 1:59 AM,
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