Pink Kitty Studios Holiday Deadlines and New Locations
We also wanted you to know that we are now serving Las Vegas, Phoenix, Chicago, and Salt Lake City. We'll be doing things a little differently than in our other cities. You can read about it here
and here
Also we'll be including these cities in our mailings about our schedules in the future so stay tuned!
We recently moved to a swanky new studio in Los Angeles.
Lots of pretty new sets as well as the vintage ones that everyone knows and loves.

Be sure to check out some more recent shots we've done there:
Pink Kitty Studios L.A. Samples
As for our availability, here goes!
Colorado Springs:
We have very limited availability for Christmas gifts. We have a couple of appointments available this weekend and early next week. If you can't make it in at this time, we are taking appointments now for January in time for Valentine's Day gifts.
Los Angeles and Las Vegas:
We are availabile for shoots in time for Christmas gifts between November 15th and November 30th and for Valentine's Day gifts between December 1 and 31st. We won't be in Los Angeles or Las Vegas in January so if you want Valentine's Day gifts please make your appointments for December.
This location is completely booked for Christmas gifts. Please make your appointments for January in time for Valentine's Day gifts.
This location is also completely booked for Christmas gifts. We will be coming to Dallas in January for Valentine's Day gifts but have no specific dates yet. Please let us know if you want to do a shoot and we can set it up according to your schedule.
Northern Virginia/DC:
This location is available pretty much anytime up until November 30th for Christmas gifts and anytime in December and January for Valentine's Day gifts.
We will be in Phoenix on Saturday November 7th and Sunday November 8th and are taking appointments now. You'll need to make your appointments for these dates by Wednesday November 4th. We can also come to Phoenix in November (up till the 30th for Christmas gifts) and in December (for Valentine's Day gifts). We'll be announcing our January dates in our next email.
We plan to start coming to Chicago in January, so if you want pictures for Valentine's Day please book a shoot for January now. We have no specific dates and can work around your schedule.
Salt Lake City:
We're taking appointments for January for Valentine's Day. We have no specific dates and can work around your schedule.
As always, please call or email us with any questions or to book a shoot. You can also check out our website for samples, pricing, and other information at Pink Kitty Studios
Labels: boudoir photography, chicago, colorado, dallas, glamour photography, las vegas, los angeles, philadelphia, phoenix, pink kitty studios, salt lake city, washington DC